
Nancy Pelosi: A Powerful Woman in Health Reform

ABC News identifies Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi as “the most powerful and polarizing woman in the history of American politics.” Pelosi is the first woman who has held the position of House speaker, and she understands the pressure that comes with her job.

In the ABC interview, Pelosi said she is a target as a woman and liberal in politics. She ignores the Republican and conservative Blue Dog Democrats discontent with the health care reform bill. I greatly respect Pelosi for remaining confident and driven in attaining a government insurance option.

Most recently, Pelosi gave a speech at the front of the Capitol for the unveiling of the current health care reform bill and a heckler yelled “burn in hell,” which she brushed off by saying: “Thank you insurance companies of America.” It is important for her to show strength against opposition, but also not to stoop to their level and I think she did this gracefully with a little humor.

Her toughest critic is Fox News, who made fun of Pelosi’s response to the heckler by reenacting the exchange in “Fox and Friends” with hosts Steve Doocey and Alisyn Camerota. Fox columnist, Ken Klukowski, wrote an open letter to Pelosi and White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs that calls the health care reform legislation unconstitutional. Klukowski claims that there is no individual mandate that allows the bill.

Pelosi does not see this as a “serious question” that would prohibit the passing of the health care bill. Klukowski goes on to say, “Should you insist on passing a law penalizing — or even making it a crime — for people not to buy insurance, then Congress and President Obama run the risk of a stern judicial rebuke.”

The fact is that the health care reform bill would not require people to buy the government insurance option. Americans who want to keep their existing private plans are free to do so.

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  1. * bob says:

    What part of unconstitutional don’t she understand. When an elected official takes office he,she takes an oath to honor, uphold, and defend the U. S. Constitution. Nothing on earth is over it’s laws including U.N. Treaties or any member of our government.

    This health care bill is unconstitutional. All that wrote it and all that voted for it broke their oath to the Constitution and by law are unfit to set in any government position. This goes for all three branches of government including a man that has shown the Constitution nothing but contempt since taking office.

    Maybe if more Americans would read this document the size of a comic book with about the same reading level they would see just how corrupt and criminal these elected tyrants are.

    “The fact is that the health care reform bill would not require people to buy the government insurance option. Americans who want to keep their existing private plans are free to do so.”

    You must have missed the page saying up to $250,000 fine and five years in prison for failer to have coverage.

    | Reply Posted 14 years, 6 months ago
    • * saramitra says:

      Being arrested or fined only applies to those who:
      “refuse to obtain coverage. Willfully evading that tax could result in jail time under the bill passed by the House – but not the bill approved by the Senate Finance Committee.” Also, “the majority of delinquent taxes and penalties are collected through the civil process without resort to criminal penalties.”

      Prison sentences and fines do not apply to those who have private health insurance and do not want the government option. They are free to keep their existing coverage, but they will receive “a tax of 2.5 percent of their adjusted income.”

      This is not a new concept. For the past two years, Massachusetts has required everyone to have health insurance, with penalties over $1,000 for those who don’t. Yet the U.S. Constitution remains intact.

      | Reply Posted 14 years, 6 months ago

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